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Pinellas County: Native Trees
Reclamation Project flagThe following native trees of Pinellas County are being spotlighted for reforestation by local residents:
  • Bald Cypress

  • Green Buttonwood

  • Red Cedar

  • Red Maple

  • Sea Grape

  • Slash Pine

TREES are one of man’s best friends. They breathe out oxygen which we breathe in and they breathe in carbon dioxide which we breathe out. They also take in enormous amounts of carbon dioxide which we put out into the environment through industrial and energy production. The shade of trees also cools us directly during hot seasons and can lower the cooling costs for our buildings when they are growing nearby. Trees also help to stabilize soil and hold water in the earth diminishing storm water runoff. We greatly help ourselves and the natural environment when we plant native trees.

Pinellas County Native Trees

Here is a list of native tree species available through the reclamation project in Pinellas County:

    (deciduous = loses its leaves in winter)    (specimen = can stand alone as an ornamental)

BALD CYPRESS  (Taxodium distichum)
    Deciduous conifer with mature height up to 50-80’ and spread up to 20-30’. It naturally occurs in wet areas but in the landscape is adaptable to drier (but not droughty) sites where it will not produce its characteristic "knees”. Like its cousin the redwood it can live 1000 years. Coppery to rusty orange fall foliage with a stately appearance in winter. Fast and easy to grow. It can be used as a specimen tree, shade tree, and near retention ponds, swales, and canals.

SeagrapeGREEN BUTTONWOOD (Conocarpus erectus)
    Evergreen coastal tree up to 35-50’ tall and up to 15-40’ wide. Considered to be the fourth mangrove. It is very tough and durable and will grow in poor soils. Very drought and salt tolerant. Fast growing once established and hurricane resistant. Useful as a specimen, shade, or street tree, and for plantings near the shore.

RED MAPLE  (Acer rubrum)
    Showy deciduous tree up to 70’ in height and 40’ in width. Naturally occurs in wet or moist sites but is adaptable to drier (but not droughty) sites. Colorful red flowers in winter, red winged fruit in spring, and excellent fall color. Useful as a specimen or shade tree. Especially valuable in moist areas adjacent to retention ponds and in drainage swales.

SEA GRAPE  (Coccoloba uvifera)
    Unique large evergreen coastal shrub or medium size tree up to 35’ tall and 20’ wide. It has large interesting rounded leaves and the young leaves are an attractive mahogany color. Very drought and salt tolerant. Female plants produce grape-like fruit used by larger wildlife species and by people for making jelly. Good honey plant. Prunes easily. Useful as a specimen, shade tree (if pruned appropriately), as a large hedge or screening plant, for soil stabilization, or in coastal settings.

Red CedarSLASH PINE  (Pinus elliottii var. densa)
    Tall needled evergreen with a potential height of 100-120’ and spread of 20-60’ wide. To protect itself from natural fires the young seedling goes through a "grass stage” for several years with no visible trunk. When ready it quickly sends up a trunk with the growing point now protected. Extremely drought tolerant. Provides good food, cover, and nesting opportunities for many species of wildlife. Wood used for building and furniture. Falling needles provide a very good garden mulch. Useful as a specimen or screening plant and in natural groupings.

SOUTHERN RED CEDAR  (Juniperus virginiana)
    Needled evergreen with a height from 20-60’ and spread of 10-30’. Conical in shape when younger and more spreading with age. Very adaptable; tolerant of alkaline soils, drought, and salt. Grows fast. Good bird cover and nesting tree. Female plant provides juniper berry type fruit much loved by birds. Wood used for pencils, boxes, and cedar closets. Useful as a specimen and as a hedge or screening plant.


1.    Placement: Choose a planting spot that is mostly sunny and large enough for the mature tree. It     should be free of overhead wires and branches from other trees and away from septic systems.

2.    Planting: Dig a hole to the depth of the root ball. Do not add any soil amendments or fertilizer. While near the hole carefully remove the tree from the pot. Examine the roots, and, if they are wrapped around the root ball, loosen some of the exterior ones. Plant with the top of the root ball level with the surrounding soil. Use the extra soil to make a saucer to help hold water.

3.    Mulch: Add 2-3” of organic mulch from the outer edge of the saucer to the edge of the root ball. Do not allow mulch to remain against the trunk as this can cause the bark to rot.

4.    Watering: Water into the saucer every day for two weeks, then every other day for two weeks. Thereafter, water twice per week if there is no substantial rainfall. After one year the tree should be well established and require no supplemental watering unless there is a serious drought.

5.    Enjoy: Affectionately check the tree once in a while to make sure it is ok and take any needed action e.g. protection, watering, etc. This kind attention will reward you with many years of shade, beauty, and wildlife viewing.

To learn more about native trees, please visit the Florida Botanical Gardens ( or Native Plant Society ( websites.

 2004 - 2013


Xavier Cortada's participatory art practice is based at Florida International University.

FIU College of Architecture + The Arts

Xavier Cortada
FIU College of Architecture + The Arts
Miami Beach Urban Studios
420 Lincoln Road, Suite 440
Miami Beach, FL 33139

 Reclamation Project 



Native Flags

The Reclamation Project and Native Flags are participatory eco-art projects by FIU College of Architecture + The Arts Artist-in-Residence Xavier Cortada.  

In South Florida, they are presented in coordination with our project partners:

FIU Office of University Sustainabiity
MDC Earth Ethics Institute

Copyright 2006-2013 
Xavier Cortada