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Florida Native Plant Society presentation: Native Flags
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Florida Native Plant Society presentation: Native Flags

FIU College of Architecture + The Arts artist-in-residence Xavier Cortada will be talking about Native Flags. Cortada will encourage FNPS members to use this participatory eco-art projects as a way of engaging others in caring for their environment. (See

When: 2/26/2013
7:30 PM
Where: Pinecrest Gardens
11100 Red Road
Pinecrest, Florida 
United States
Contact: Amy Leonard, FNPS Dade Chapter Vice President

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FIU College of Architecture + The Arts artist-in-residence Xavier Cortada will be talking about Native Flags (See In his presentation Cortada will encourage FNPS members to use this participatory eco-art projects as a way of engaging others in caring for their environment. The project is based at FIU's Office of Engaged Creativity ( and being implemented with the FIU Office of University Sustainability and other partners including Deering Estate (both of which have/will have gardens with flags and labels profiling each of the 12 features native trees: )

About Native Flags
FIU College of Architecture + The Arts Artist-in-Residence  Xavier Cortada created this urban reforestation eco-art project  to help restore native habitats for plants and animals in urban areas. Participating residents are asked to plant a native tree alongside the green project flag in their front yard and state:
"I hereby reclaim this land for nature.”
The project’s conspicuous green flags serve as a catalyst for conversations with neighbors, who will be encouraged to join the effort and help rebuild  their native tree canopy one yard at a time.
Ideally, as they watch each tree grow,  their interest in the environment will also grow.
In the presentation. Cortada will also profile the project's 2008 North Pole launch (, the project's 2011 Taiwan effort ( and a 2009 project in which he worked with in Pinellas County and their local chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society to plant 750 trees in their community (see  and
Garden's digital paintings reference eco-art campaign
The one of a kind digital paintings (click below) at the Florida Botanical Gardens were created by artist Xavier Cortada to celebrate the planting of 750 native trees in Pinellas County through the Reclamation Project (a public art project commissioned by the Public Art and Design Program of the Pinellas County Cultural Affairs Department). The works highlights the six native species featured in the eco-art effort’s urban reforestation campaign.
Growing our Native Canopy 1 (Bald Cypress, Red Cedar, Slash Pine)
Growing our Native Canopy 2 (Green Buttonwood, Red Maple, Seagrape)
During 2009, participating residents were asked to plant a native tree alongside the green project flag in their front yard and state: "I hereby reclaim this land for nature." The project's conspicuous green flags served as a catalyst for conversations with neighbors, who were encouraged to join the effort and help rebuild their native tree canopy one yard at a time. 

 2004 - 2013


Xavier Cortada's participatory art practice is based at Florida International University.

FIU College of Architecture + The Arts

Xavier Cortada
FIU College of Architecture + The Arts
Miami Beach Urban Studios
420 Lincoln Road, Suite 440
Miami Beach, FL 33139

 Reclamation Project 



Native Flags

The Reclamation Project and Native Flags are participatory eco-art projects by FIU College of Architecture + The Arts Artist-in-Residence Xavier Cortada.  

In South Florida, they are presented in coordination with our project partners:

FIU Office of University Sustainabiity
MDC Earth Ethics Institute

Copyright 2006-2013 
Xavier Cortada