South Beach businesses and hotels are asked to prominently display a Reclamation Project mangrove seedling (in a clear, water-filled cup) inside their commercial locations during October 2006 - January 20, 2007. In so doing, businesses and hotels help generate environmental awareness and foster civic engagement.
adopted mangrove seedling in storefront windows
Seedling exhibitors also have the option of making a small stack of project palm cards available to interested parties.
To adopt a seedling, kindly contact Citizens for a Better South Florida at 305-648-0000 or the project coordinator, Jackie Kellogg at . Project volunteers will deliver the seedlings directly to you.
Seedling exhibitors will be asked to return the seedlings on January 20, 2007, from 10am to 12pm, to Books and Books on Lincoln Road. These seedlings will be planted at the end of January along Biscayne Bay (as part of the project's reforestation).
Alternatively, seedling holders will have the option to plant the seedling in their own home (or in a specified mangrove forest), or return the seedling to our designated environmental group Citizens for a Better South Florida for later planting.
Video freeze images by Bill Bilowit